News & Events

New stories are being written every day at Iowa State University Research Park.

Learn about Iowa State University Research Park innovations and achievements. Read the latest news from ISU Research Park and its tenants, from groundbreaking discoveries to new business announcements. Plus, check out ISU Research Park’s calendar to see what events are coming up next.

Latest News

New CyHire Platform

Iowa State University Career Services has transitioned to the new CyHire Platform! This updated system promises a more intuitive user experience while maintaining robust access to our talented Cyclone community. CyHire now encompasses all employment opportunities—from part-time student jobs to internships, co-ops, and post-graduation careers.

To get started, employers need to create an account at Simply click ‘Sign up for an account’, fill in your details, verify your email, and complete your company profile. For any questions, reach out to We look forward to connecting with you on CyHire soon!

Upcoming Events

March Innovation Impact Lunch Club

Friday, March 28, 2024 | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Attendees will receive meeting link via email once they RSVP.

In this monthly series, we will tackle a piece of our economic development ecosystem. Come to network, eat lunch, learn, and ask questions in a comfortable space. These events are targeted at campus partners, but they are free and open to all.


The Iowa State University Research Park is one of Iowa’s most valuable economic development assets. Whether you are a long time tenant, or you are just hearing about the Research Park, join us virtually to learn something new about how the Park drives connection and innovation in our community.

Alison Doyle, Associate Director of the Iowa State University Research Park