Iowa startup SAFI-Tech partners with Indium Corporation

— Origially posted by Clay & Milk — SAFI-Tech, an Iowa-based startup that is creating no-heat and low-heat solder and metallic joining products, is partnering with Indium Corporation. Safi-Tech has developed supercooled liquid metal particles that...

Stacy Dreyer: The New Research Park Team Member

Stacy grew up in Algona, Iowa. She began her undergrad at Iowa State University and later transferred to Minot State University to marry her husband, who was stationed at Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota. They moved back to the Ames area in 1997 and have loved...

Innovation at Work: By the Numbers

he story and illustrate the impact Iowa State’s economic development programs, services and initiatives have on Iowa’s business community and economy.


New Addition to the ISURP Team: Bethany Zeman

Bethany Zeman has recently joined the Iowa State University Research Park as an administrative assistant. She is a native of Ames, Iowa, and after her graduation from Iowa State University in 2011, Zeman spent several years in Colorado working in different fields,...